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The correspondence has consistently been the urgent piece of mankind’s public activity. The methods for correspondence has changed by...

Friday, May 22, 2020

Computer Games as the Emerging New Kind of Art

Computer Games as the Emerging New Kind of Art It may sound pretentious, but computer games seem to gradually start behaving as if they were growing into something more, than simple entertainment. However, it is not the first time it happens – for example, theatre has grown out of folk festivals that had no goal other than entertaining their participants and onlookers, and cinema has evolved from primitive silent comedies into the whole great industry, differentiating from the popular films that are often not much more sophisticated than the first silent films to complex, multilayered art house works, making the viewer think and expecting him to do so. Gaming industry seems to be now in the stage of developing its entertaining potential. There are, however, rare yet growing signs of new trends developing, games that understand the idea of â€Å"entertainment† in another, interesting and original way. After all, aren’t books by Kafka entertaining for the person, who understands and enjoys them? We may mention the example of Russian studio Ice-Pick Lodge, which made art house games their main line of work. Their projects like Pathologic, Void and oncoming Cargo are definitely entertaining, yet in their own, twisted and peculiar way. They are hard to perceive and call for great attention from the player, offering him a unique experience, created by refusal to resort to any established clichà ©s and principles, used by the whole gaming industry. There are other games that move in the same direction, but they only rarely get the attention of prestigious publishers, being in their majority indie-titles, such as Braid, And Yet It Moves and others. Nevertheless, these signs are very promising. If the evolution of computer games goes in the same way the evolution of cinema went, we are in for something really interesting to behold in near future.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Argumentative Essay The Legalization Of Marijuana

Argumentative Essay: The Legalization of Marijuana in the United States Should we legalize marijuana? That is an excellent question. First, we must explore the history of Cannabis. Cannabis was introduced to the United States in the 1600’s, first encouraged by the federal government for domestic hemp production, cannabis soon became a required crop for farmers to grow. Hemp was recognized for its medical benefits and was the main fiber used in industrial textiles. Marijuana thrived until the early 1900’s. After the Mexican revolution of 1910 ended Mexican immigrants filled the United States introducing to American culture the use of recreational marijuana. During hearings on marijuana law in the 1930’s, claims were made about marijuana’s†¦show more content†¦An estimated 88,000 people die a year from alcohol-related causes, and alcohol is involved in more homicides than every other substance. Legal prescriptions create many more addicts, deaths, a nd overdoses annually in the United States. By comparison, marijuana is nontoxic and cannot cause death by overdose, there are no documented deaths due to marijuana. There is growing interest today on the marijuana chemical cannabidiol to treat certain conditions such as childhood epilepsy, a disorder that causes a child to have violent seizures. CBD is cannabidiol abbreviated. Therefore, scientists have been specially breeding marijuana plants and making CBD in oil form for treatment purposes. These drugs aren t popular for recreational use because they aren t intoxicating. What are Cannabinoids? Cannabinoids are chemicals related to tetrahydrocannabinol, marijuana’s main mind-altering ingredient that makes people high. It is most commonly called THC. Marijuana contains a high quantity cannabinoids. Scientists have produced many cannabinoids in the lab. Some of these cannabinoids are extremely powerful and have led to serious health effects when misused. The body also produ ces its own cannabinoid chemicals. They regulate pleasure, memory, thinking, concentration, body movement, awareness of time, appetite, pain, and the senses. The two main cannabinoids from cannabis that have medicalShow MoreRelatedArgumentative Essay : Legalization Of Marijuana1387 Words   |  6 PagesAmanda Montoya April 14, 2014 Kathy severance Argumentative essay #2 Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana has been used in religious ceremonies or for medical purposes for thousands of years. I have always been against the use of Marijuana up until four years ago when my husband at the age of twenty seven underwent invasive surgery on his knee and has never been the same since. Colorado took a huge step several years ago legalizing marijuana for medical use and in recent years took the plungeRead MoreMarijuana Legalization Argumentative Essay1060 Words   |  5 PagesSpanish brought marijuana to the New World. It was introduced in Jamestown in 1611, where it became a major commercial crop grown as an innocent source of fiber (specifically, hemp). By 1927, the production and possession of marijuana had been outlawed throughout the United States, causing a prohibition that is still in effect 80 years later. Since then, the world has seen the violent rise of drug cartels and the high price of fighting illegal marijuana use (Narconon). Marijuana should be legalizedRead MoreThe L egalization of Marijuana: An Argumentative Essay1704 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Legalization of Marijuana When it comes to the American war on drugs, marijuana is one of the biggest enemies. And in view of the fact that alcohol and tobacco, two life threatening substances, are officially permitted it is a pertinent question to ask why marijuana is not (Chopra et al 2002). The taxpayers of America can to a degree answer this question when they fill out their tax forms and when they hear the ruthless oratory used against marijuana by the government. The reality that marijuanaRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Legalization Of Marijuana1072 Words   |  5 PagesThe subject of marijuana legalization has been an exceedingly popular discussion topic in recent years and, as time goes on, only seems to grow more popular. This discussion has resulted in many arguments that support marijuana’s legalization. One popular argument says that since alcohol is worse for you, and alcohol is legal, marijuana should be legalized. However, this argument that marijuana should be legalized because marijua na’s effects when consumed or smoked are better than those of alcoholRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Legalization Of Marijuana901 Words   |  4 PagesThe legalization of Marijuana is a topic that has been discussed for many years. It has had many support as well as opposition. This topic has caused a lot of controversy over the years. In today’s society the amount of marijuana or cannabis that is being consumed is, for the most part, consumed by teens and adults. Although marijuana is an illegal drug, that does not stop people from getting a hold of it. The use of marijuana can be for many reasons such as, socializing, obtaining a high, escapingRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Legalization Of Marijuana951 Words   |  4 PagesIn 1971, President Richard Nixon declared war on drugs. Marijuana was one the drugs that Nixon tried to grasp a firm hold on. However in 2017, 29 states as well as DC, have laws legalizing marijuana in some form but some continue to fight their own war on drugs. The legalization of marijuana has health benefits that help those with certain diseases while also helping the economy grow and the crime-rate of the United States decrease. Marijuana was first used legally for medical reasons in the stateRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Legalization Of Marijuana1325 Words   |  6 Pages Marijuana is one of the most controversial subjects today. What is marijuana? It is a drug derived from the dried flowers, leaves, stems, and seeds of the cannabis plant, sativa or indica. The drug causes changes in the users mood and also affects how they think and perceive their environment. Today, marijuana has been misunderstood and interpreted wrongly for the simple fact that people are not well educated about the drug and its positive benefits. Marijuana is considered a gateway drug andRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Legalization Of Marijuana760 Words   |  4 PagesMarijuana has been used by mankind for thousands of years. It has been used medically, recreationally, and for various other purposes since it was first discovered. But in recent years, Marijuana has become a symbol of rebellion and laziness, thanks in part to the War on Drugs. Many argue for and against its legalization but there is one thing that they can agree on; the legalization of Marijuana for Medical and Re creational uses will have a tremendous impact on society and the cultures of the UnitedRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Marijuana Legalization783 Words   |  4 Pagesthem. Marijuana is one of those options because to some people its bad, but to others it is good. Marijuana should be legalized as it will bring many positives. However, it will bring some negatives as well. That may cause issues with the government or businesses. Legalization towards anything in society will always have positives and negatives. Marijuana Legalization has many positives which can help society. New jobs are created and income can increase. â€Å"In 2015, the legal marijuana industryRead Morethree arguments Essay741 Words   |  3 Pagescritical argument analysis essay, focuses on three professional essays and how these authors construct their arguments using opinion and evidence. There are many different ways in which authors can construct their arguments. In the highly controversial topic of legalizing marijuana I found three very different styles of arguments in which the authors backed up their opinions with facts. In my reading of these arguments each writer had there own style. The first essay by Stephen B. Duke, Cannabis

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Child Labor, Who is Responsible, Law or Parents Free Essays

Child labor refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular school, and that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful. Child labor has existed to varying extents, through most of history. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, many children aged 5–14 from poorer families still worked in Europe, the United States and various colonies of European powers. We will write a custom essay sample on Child Labor, Who is Responsible, Law or Parents or any similar topic only for you Order Now These children mainly worked in agriculture, home-based assembly operations, factories, and mining and in services such as news boys. Some worked night shifts lasting 12 hours. With the rise of household income, availability of schools and passage of child labor laws, the incidence rates of child labor fell. However, the question arises that who is responsible for child labor? Law or parents. This is a very alarming situation of every country. Child labor has increased everywhere which results in devastating situations. Law comes later but parents? Their child is always in front of their eyes. Parents are the care takers of their children. Household conditions force them to work, to earn. There are many types of child labor. Child labor should be controlled as well as inspected that what and who is responsible for it. Introduction Child labor is a fatal disease at the core of the heart of our society. Child labor can be defined as the salaried occupations for children working outside their households; it also includes the imposition of domestic tasks on children which does not result in the generation of any income but is costing that child his/her education and the best time of their lives, that is their childhood. Child Labor is an utter disgrace to humanity. As much common knowledge as this is, it is still sometimes argued that the attempts to eradicate child labor in Pakistan will lead to economic inefficiency and put further strain on the already crippled households. However, unknown of the fact that these attempts can also lead to the availability of skilled workforce in future. It will have positive long-term economic impacts that will out way the economic inefficiencies, and along with improving the socio-economic conditions of the households, in the long run, it will also lead to more mentally stable society. Research Background: â€Å"Sometimes more than food and water, I dream of getting my childhood back,† says Aziz a twelve years old (Child Labor Increases in Pakistan). Despite a significant decline in the child labor in rest of the world, Pakistan ranks number three in the world with the highest prevalence of child labor in the country. â€Å"12.5 million Children in Pakistan are involved in child labor according to a survey in 2012 by ILO† in 2011 just a shy of million, 900,000 to be exact are aged between 10-14, and it was a 40 percent increase from 2010 (Child Labor Increases In Pakistan). With the world moving ahead it seems Pakistan is moving backward with regards to human development. But what are some of the reasons behind such a high prevalence of child labor in the country? Well to begin with it is the low income of the families that tempts them to put their children to work and not to educational institutions, as there is shockingly less number of state funded free educational institutions for such households. So, therefore, while primary education may be compulsory in many cities, the quality of education is deplorable. We also see that adults with five to six years of schooling are functionally illiterate and immature, therefore, do not provide much justification for parents to give them education as they do not foresee immediate benefits. Research Question: Who is responsible for child labor; is it Law or parents? The attractive have an impact on of the new tutoring and different social offices would possibly be relied on to draw such guardians out of their terrible ways greater viably even than they can be pushed out by means of the fear of the law, as connected through the obligatory education leave mend and the industrial facility investigators. From the kindergarten to the excursion school, and from the social contract golf equipment to the new stop houses, with their open library, stations and endeavor centers, the propensity of these instructive up-lifts is to protect the kid’s rest from inaction and terrible dependency to each gain and delight. What’s more, this solution of the authentic parental issue in the relaxation of their youngster’s guarantees to assist tackles the trouble of teen work. Whereas according to law, The Constitution of Pakistan contains provisions for the financial and social well-being of the human beings and for the promotion of social justice. Fundamental rights with regard to the security of existence or liberty, prohibition of slavery and pressured labor, and the right to structure associations or unions, amongst others, are enshrined in the Constitution. Article 11 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan ensures that â€Å"no child under the age of fourteen years shall be engaged in any factory or mine or any other hazardous employment. Realizing the crucial role of schooling in eradication of baby labor, Article 25-A used to be brought to the Constitution beneath the 18th Constitutional Amendment 2010, requiring the state to supply free and compulsory training to all adolescents of the age of 5 to sixteen years. Education is the one of the most wonderful capacity of controlling and combating infant labor. Similarly, Article 37(e) of the Constitution requires the State to make provision for securing just and humane stipulations of work, making sure that children and girls are no longer employed in vocations unsuited to their age or sex. Research Objective: Qamar Zaman Ch. Federal Secretary for Education and Training says: â€Å"Pakistan is faced with the highly serious challenge of out-of- school children. Children, mainly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, do not access schools due to various barriers including, distance to schools, non-availability of schools and lack of awareness. It is also true that schools fail to retain children, resulting in high dropout rates. The situation is, therefore, deeply worrying† (â€Å"Global Initiative on Out-Of-School Children†). Another reason could be the inadequacy of law enforcement, as although laws to protect the children from this heinous curse of child labor exist. However, the violation of such laws is a routine practice in the country. A cross-sectional study related to the causes of child labor was conducted by National Center for Biotechnology Information in Malir district of Karachi, Pakistan, between April–July 2008. Research Significance: Although infant labor has been considerably eliminated, it nonetheless poses a trouble in a few areas of the economy. Violations of the toddler labor laws proceed among economically impoverished migrant agricultural workers. Employers in the garment enterprise in New York City have grew to become to the teenagers of unlawful immigrants in an effort to compete with imports from low-wage nations. The latest liberalization of the federal government’s regulations regarding work achieved at home also will increase the possibility of illegal child labor. Finally, notwithstanding the present legal guidelines limiting the wide variety of hours of work for this nevertheless attending school, some kids proceed to labor an excessive number of hours or preserve prohibited jobs. Effectiveness in enforcement varies from nation to state. Clearly, the United States has not but eradicated all the abuses and violations, but it has met the objective of the baby labor reformers and determined via regulation and general practice that teenagers shall not be full-time workers. Literature Review: The study found out that children who were working mainly due to poverty were 82 % of the whole child labor in the country. 13 % children were being forced to work, and only 5% of them said that they were working because of their interest. Having said that all, what the people of Pakistan are not realizing is what child labor is costing this country. Parents sending their children to work to increase their probability of survival may be categorized as behaving rationally, but what they fail to perceive are the long run negative implications of child labor. Since child labor rivals with school participation and proficiency, children sent to work are unable to gain human capital, missing the chance to upgrade their productivity and future income capacity. It translates into a low income of future families and hence increases the probability of their offspring being sent to work at the similar age. In this way, poverty and child labor is passed on from generation to generation. Thus, in this way the society gets trapped into the vicious cycle of poverty as explained by the famous economist Thomas Malthus (â€Å"EBook | The CORE Project†). So, eradicating child labor could have a long-term ‘transformative’ impact on the skills of the labor force of this country and would improve overall the standard of living and working environment within the country with increased production potential in the foreseeable future. It would, in turn, ensure an increase in GDP per capita of the population and would lead to decrease in our national dept. How to cite Child Labor, Who is Responsible, Law or Parents, Papers